Our radiology techs are ready to help you every day. They’re even on-call for emergencies 24/7.
At Three Rivers Hospital, we offer a wide variety of diagnostic imaging methods (see below). We are happy to send and receive studies for patients whose provider practices at another facility. This allows you to have the study done close to home, and your provider to have the results when you arrive at your next appointment. This means less travel for the patient and less stress about potential outcomes.
Our Services
- High Definition 32-Slice CT
- Digital Fluoroscopy (X-ray), including a portable X-ray for patient comfort in Acute Care or the Emergency Room
- Ultrasound (Echocardiogram, Vascular, Arterial, Cardiac, as well as Labor and Delivery)
- 3D Mammography and Breast Ultrasound
Equipment Upgrades
In 2015, we upgraded to a 32-slice CT, which collects more images in less time and with lower radiation dosage to the patient. This leads to better image quality and more accurate diagnoses while improving patient comfort and safety.

Charlene is trained to provide gentle 3D mammograms.
In 2019, we remodeled our x-ray room and installed new equipment that’s top of the line and takes up less space, so it’s easier to wheel patients in and out of the room. We also added a portable X-ray unit, which our techs take to patients in the Emergency Room or in Acute Care, and a C-arm for digital imaging during surgeries.
In 2021, we upgraded our ultrasound equipment.
Also in 2021, Three Rivers received a $50,000 grant to purchase a brand-new Siemens 3D mammography machine. This equipment provides gentler mammograms with less radiation and more detailed imaging for quicker diagnosis.

Melanie Tolen
In February 2022, we added echocardiograms to our list of services with the hire of Sonographer Melanie Tolen, who brings over 17 years of research, studies and experience.
An echocardiogram uses ultrasound waves to produce live images of your heart in motion. It is a painless test where the patient lays on a bed and a sonographer uses gel and a camera/probe to slide over the chest area to obtain real-time images. The test is about an hour long.
With an echocardiogram, the sonographer and cardiologist can evaluate for numerous conditions, from leaky valves or murmurs to thickening of the heart muscle from chronic elevated blood pressure.
Open 7 Days a Week
Mobile MRI: Tuesdays
Phone: 509.689.2517 ext. 3285
Fax: 509.689.2876
Schedule an Outpatient Test
Contact our Centralized Scheduler:
9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Thursday